Monday, December 3, 2012

Santa's Travel

There is one famous person who travels in the world once a year. His name is "Santa Claus." He is a very special guy because he can travel all around the world for 24 hours. Especially, kids are wondering how Santa Claus travels. NORAD solves the question.

Every year, North American Aerospace Defense Command(NORAD) tracks Santa Claus on Christmas Day, and show the progress on their Homepage.

For this year, the homepage starts on Dec 1.
This site is a little attractive for travelers. It has a lot of quick fix games. They appear one per a day. Therefore, people who visit it, everyday try a new games. It's good for killing time.

Where does the Santa Claus live? The answer is also mysterious.
In fact, a lot of countries insist about the Santa Claus such as Finland, Norway, Sweden, etc. They are a kind of the Arctic countries. In addition, some places have Santa Villages such as Hiroh, Hokkaido(Japan).

This year, still you don't have any plan for the vacation, Santa Villages are maybe one of good ideas.

Wait.. If people visit Santa Village on holiday, there is no Santa claus!?

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