Sunday, October 20, 2013

Halloween Everywhere

Do you plan to enjoy "Halloween?" Halloween is fun. Many people make "Jack O' Lantern" with pumpkins, and wear costumes to go out for "Trick, or Treat!"

Seemly, the resource of Halloween is not related to religion things, but the harvest. However, when and where did people get the haunted Halloween? This Video has some of the resource of Halloween!

"History of the Holidays: Halloween"
(by the History Channel)

Seemly, Halloween is originally from Celtic culture in Ireland. According to some books, there are some similar dolls with sugar beets like Jack O' Lantern. Now the customs spread, and this "Trick, or Treat" becomes the famous phrase all over the world.

Well, How many days do we have for Halloween? 

To shop or not to shop, that is the very important question. In fact, shops keeps a lot of Halloween stocks like costumes and candies for customers, but after Halloween day has passed, they can't sell the stocks. If they can't sell, they will be waste. Therefore, usually, they stop receiving these products a week before Halloween. Therefore, if some popular costumes are sold out next week, you may not have a chance to get them. That's why, this weekend, and next 7 days are the war for everyone. Also, for many students, they need costumes for their costume parties in spite of their midterms

"This is Halloween" (1993)
By Marilyn Manson

Recently, I started using "Spotify." It has a lot of Playlist. One of them is for Halloween. The first song of the list is this song. It's a good chance to learn music!
For October 31, people consider about their party schedules. It's sorry, this year Halloween is on Thursday. Thursday night is not the weekend night. What do people do? The answers are quite simple. Some people try one weekend before, and others try the extended Halloween weekend.

In the United States, Starbucks Coffee Stores serve "Pumpkin Spice Latte" now. If you are busy, and not join the party. You may enjoy the feeling with these small daily stuff with Halloween.

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