Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Travel Tips: Documenting: Postscript

"Documenting" is interesting. Many people try to show a lot of things online. However, many people confuse about "facts" and "thoughts."

Some for facts & imaginations:

Here is a very boring photo. I think many people don't feel anything for this. However, you can find a lot of facts on this.

You can try to write a sentences like this.

There is near the beach because there are some seagulls. The tide might be low because it has a lagoon. I found the couple. They must be travelers. This is a gulf scene because behind the waterfront is a land, or maybe this is a lake photo. The water is calm, and some sailboats are on the water. I looked for the birds on the illustrated book, and I saw some of them are albatrosses.

Well, it's a scene with my imagination, but which are the facts? which are my imaginations?

There is near the beach because there are some seagulls. The tide might be low because it has a lagoon. I found the couple. They must be travelers. This is a gulf scene because behind the waterfront is a land, or maybe this is a lake photo. The water is calm, and some sailboats are on the water. I looked for the birds on the illustrated book, and I saw some of them are albatrosses.

       : Facts        : Imaginations

In documenting, the combination of fact and imagination is very important. Before you travel, you imagine a lot of things for the destinations and attractions(Imagination), but when you reach there, you find they have only some small glossary marts, a small inn, and a dirty beach(Fact).

"Documenting" is with the same way of "Academic Writing." I took some English language classes in a community college in California. Their instruction is completely wrong because their instruction is with the Imagination parts. If their instruction is correct, people can say everything as they want. It's the wrong way for documenting.

If you take English writing, or documentary classes in your place, please take with a good teacher. It absolutely makes your sense either better or bad.

Here is a very famous "imagination" song in the world.

"Imagine" (1971) 
by John Lennon

Please listen to the song carefully. This song has both facts and imaginations at once. If he sang for the purpose of informing the world situations, he told the facts. If he sang for the purpose of inspiring people, he told his imagination.

Which is your answer for this song? or both?

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