Monday, September 24, 2012

Oktoberfest: Digressions

Oktoberfest is the one of the world famous beer fests. Naturally, people are "unlimited." I'm wondering how much beer is drunken by a person in the festival.

I've got a link from my friend in Munich:
You can also try some international versions of the homepage on the upper right link.

This is a kind of digression. 

The Russian president Vladamir Putin likes "beer." Russia is the "Vodka" country. People like drinking it very much. Especially, the end of cold war term, drunken people were one of the problem, and media informed it outside of Soviet Union. Vodka is one of the important domestic industry in Russia. Manufacturing companies are a little unsatisfied with his images with beer.

I think beer is one of the staple food for students. If you are in the student dorms or live with some roommates, you may invite friends and have heavy parties.

Sometimes, "Coming of age" is topics with liquors. Please enjoy them and learn your "limit" that you break and throw out. Then you can always be happy to drink them. Especially, from now on, there are some interesting events like Halloween. Don't try the Guinness records, and save your lives!

(Recently, the Guinness released the newest version of the world record book. I'm wondering how many beer related records are on the book?)

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